Getting lean and toned-P90x?

Hi All,

Hoping someone can help me out? I started on my weight loss journey at 154lbs and I am 5ft 3.
Since I found MFP I have now got down to 125.5lbs. The body composition anyalyser at the gym said I had 26.4% body fat and ideal weight would be 122.2lb. So I'm nearly there.

When I started I only wanted to get to 137lbs but I was changing goals as I am still not happy with how I look naked. I'm flabby!

I have started working out regularly- spinning and treadmill run/walk and sometimes a body blast class with weights. But I can't remember how to do half of the weight exercises the gym gave me and it can be a bit intimidating. I have been thinking of trying P90x but I'm not that fit as I cannot run 5k straight yet.

Can anyone give me tips to get lean?

Note- I have an open diary and my last few days have not been good as it is a bank holiday in Ireland and I have been drinking(I know bad). Also, I have been upping cals the past 2 weeks as trainer at the gym said if I stick to 1200 cals I'll have to eat like that for the rest of my life(and all the working out made me more hungry-plus I have been reading up on TDEE and maintenance etc). I lost nothing last week and 2lb this week.

I plan on starting new regime Monday and using optimum nutrition whey to supplement protein intake. Is ratio of 40/35/25 good or can anyone recommend? I know it will be hard to get alot of protein in.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • a420dreams
    Hello! I am currently working on P90X. It is a great program to get you in the best shape of you life. There is a three part nutritional plan that goes along with the program. The first four weeks, the fat/carb/protein ratio is 20/30/50. I know 50% protein of your daily calories is a lot of protein but that is what kicks off the fat burning process. The next four weeks, the ratio goes to 20/40/40. The last four weeks the ratio becomes 20/60/20.

    I wouldn't recommend going over 20% fat of your total daily calories. That seems to be the magic number. Also, is a great support website for all the workouts they offer. I suggest you check out that site and look around the message boards for support. You can get a ton of tips, advice and motivation.

    Keep up the good work!