sariana Member


  • I have a 9month old and i know how you feel , prior to having my baby i was very active and wouldn't miss a day at the gym, ever since i had my son my life changed. I still eat healthy but is a struggle for me to loose weight and it has always been that way thats why ive always been so active. Im a working mother as well…
  • I gained 35:pounds im down 20 but the rest seem like they just refuse to leave my body. I have always had problems loosing weight before having a child. I eat healthy and clean and no fast foods at all im not over weight but i want to loose the 15 plus a few more just to feel like myself again.
  • Yay you are already under your pre pregnancy weight! . Unfortunately im not breastfeeding when i was i was loosing weight like crazy but my body shut down on me and stopped producing milk so now is all on me. But i will do that and keep on following my calorie plan. Thank you
  • Thank you :) i will just keep on counting calories and being careful
  • Thank you ive also been counting calories for a week now , before i was just doing diet but i had no idea of how much i was consuming per day. Hopefully i start seeing some change in the next couple of weeks to keep mysel motivated.
  • good thing im not the only one, it sucks because in my house no one has that problem and they just tell me to do more cardio but i just stay suck in the same place and in the last week i did gain 5 pounds i almost cried lol , and with the weights i was also doing weights at the gym and stopped them because i wasnt loosing…
  • that doesnt sound healthy , if you really want to loose weight, try to stay away from junk food during the week and eat healthy, make a plan of what your going to eat during the week and stick to it and on weekends do some cardio, you will see the difference, but it takes longer than 30 days to loose 30 pounds, be carefull