

  • That is good-a different way of thinking about will power. It amazes how hard it can be to resist even the smallest temptaions and I end up having satisfied my temptation but mad at myself for the indulgence. Appetite is such a strong force-and it always wants more. If you start giving it what it wants you get more and…
  • One more thing-to me turkey bacon tastes like cardboard. But check out labels--there are lower cal. bacons. But-I get the thick and the two half slice eaten one bite at a time (resist urge to eat it all at once) really satisfies me. And I put it all on a small plate.
  • I'll probably make some people crazy with this but why substitute anything? I eat breakfast every day and always have. One difference now is that I use the food dairy here to record what I eat. I have a theory that makes sense to me-and my doctor-and some friends I talk to. I do not forbid myself bacon. Instead I balance…
  • Man would I love being that skinny many you all know! I used to be and weighed about 155 for years. Then I turned 40 and that was the end of that. Some people are just skinny and stay that way--women too! That said--some or most of us are not so lucky as to be skinny and eat anything and stay that way. Its more like eat…
  • Hey CasperO : I know what you say is true--and the testostone helps build musles which eat more calories and you are a witness to that. My point is that a pretty large percent of actually being successful losing weight is the mental mind set to do so. If both a man and a woman work side by side and each eats the same and…
  • DragonTamerBrat: Agreed. I do know about the Testosterone "advantage" and biologically it is true I am sure. Still, just getting to the point that one can override the mental tendancy to eat this or that is for anyone-and for me has in the past been something that for some reason I just didn't I guess really give enough…
  • Hi dancer77: I'm glad one female agrees--it is such a mental thing--and metabolism apparently isn't my strong point! It sucks that other people that don't have issues with this make comments like that. It is bull--we know how we look and feel and we are the ones that have to live in our skins so we have to just let it go…
  • Hey roylawrence87! You lost 64 lbs??!!! Man--that is beyond awsome. Any secret to success or just determination and will power. I have lost 38 lbs (from 135 to 197) and I already feel better and fit into clothes better--even a couple of waist sizes down. But my weight has got to go down alot more--I am only 5ft. 9in. and…
  • No kidding! I feel like an eating machine-hunger crazed food addict.! Thought I was doing great today but when I added it all up-I was quite surprised! It is worth the time to track eating--If I thought I was going good-I can only imagine another day with no thought except what sounded good at the moment! You are right--no…
  • Hi: Also new! I've been using the food diary for over a month and found it the easist to use-best online I've ever seen. So-I finally looked elsewhere and saw the community message boards and here I am. I'm down 22 lbs from my peak weight last March-but still need to keep it up-to reach my healthy weight-another 22 and…