New here!

ehxsnohs Posts: 12
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone. My name is Nicole and im 19.
Im from southern california and I have a 10 month old daughter.
Me and my husband just started using this website and trying to lose weight to become healthier and to set a good example for our daughter. I admit im not great with the exercise thing so having him is great since he keeps me motivated. We are both overweight and do not want our daughter to have to deal with being over weight or with high blood pressure (which runs in my family and which I am on medication for). However since starting dieting and exercising more I am actually on my way to lowering my blood pressure and it has gone down quite a bit :)
Anyways I am trying to lose 80lbs and my husband is trying to lose 50. Any tips for us?All this dieting/exercising/counting calories is all new to us so any advice is welcome!


  • Welcome to MFP and congratulations on your baby girl:flowerforyou:
    Make as many friends as you can, the more support you have, the more fun it is. Feel free to add me as a friend, I am online almost every day:drinker:
  • Hi:
    Also new! I've been using the food diary for over a month and found it the easist to use-best online I've ever seen. So-I finally looked elsewhere and saw the community message boards and here I am. I'm down 22 lbs from my peak weight last March-but still need to keep it up-to reach my healthy weight-another 22 and then I will go from there. My main purpose is my health, because I have BP and chlorestoral issues-my doctor has been on me for awhile-as he has consistently had to add more drugs and higher strenths of drugs. Not only is the extra weight unhealthy, but I'm finding expensive and it drags down my energy level. I have to travel alot and do trainings and its hard enough without an extra 50 lbs to deal with!

    Some people say guys have different issues and lose weight differently-women tell me men lose more easily than women. I have seen some data to back that up. But I do not find it easy at all and it takes constant will power which I don't have at the end of a hard day and reward myself with a good meal. I need help for sure and am happy to share anything I have learned which is alot--but the will power thing is still a daily struggle!
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