Trekmum Member


  • Thank you for the response. I'll try dissolving it in room temperature liquid first and see if that helps.
  • To lose one pound of body fat, you have to reduce your calorie intake by 3,200 calories; whereas it only takes 10 to 11 calories per pound to maintain. It's a very lopsided and (to obese people) unfair equation. Weight doesn't come off instantly. If you are honest and reduce your calories by 500 each day for 7 days, you…
  • Starvation is a myth. It's simple physics and you can't change that law. The body needs 10 to 11 calories per body weight to maintain that weight. You eat less, you lose weight. You exercise and don't eat the exercise calories - you lose more weight. It's not complicated. Read the scientific study and ignore the old wife's…
  • A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires. And, many fear that going into starvation mode will drastically reduce their metabolic rate and cause them to hoard calories and gain weight instead of losing. This is not borne out by…
  • Starvation is a myth and everyone is different. The human body needs approximately 10 to 11 calories per pound of weight to maintain that weight. Example: A 150 pound female needs 1650 calories a day to MAINTAIN her weight (150 lbs. X 11 calories). To lose 1 pound, the female would need a 3,500 calorie deficit. So . . .…
  • I was always the "skinny" one in the group at 5'3" and 105 lbs. I ate anything I wanted and never exercised. Then it happened, after my second child I was diagnosed and had a total hysterectomy. Everything, including the ovaries. My mother-in-law visited me in the hospital and she said to me, "You'll get fat now." It was…
  • My favorite is 1/2 cup of egg beaters in a coffee cup with 1wedge of laughing cow cheese mixed in. Nuke in microwave for about a minute. It is creamy good and keeps me for several hours.