Durginal Member


  • Just wanted to reiterate one of coolhand's points - you cannot weigh yourself after one meal to determine the extent to which that meal has/will affect your weight. Don't do that. Haha.
  • Welcome to MFP!! This is definitely a good way to start trying to lose weight. What's your plan? Exercise? Fitness classes? Feel free to add me and we can help hold each other accountable as well as encourage progress. Best of luck!
    in Just me Comment by Durginal January 2013
  • Hey Charlie. Welcome to MFP! I definitely find it helpful tho I haven't been using it for long. What is your plan for exercise? Sports? Gym? Other? Social motivation is def helpful - so feel free to add me as well. it's nice to see and encourage the progress of others.
  • Thanks for the citation Jen!
  • Okay - cool. Thanks for your thoughts people. I should have a good idea after about 5 weeks - will report back!