

  • My mom and I go....she can't carry a tune in a bucket and has absolutely no rhythm but she still has a blast! It's super fun, just relax and go for it. Everyone there felt like you do at some point!
    in ZUMBA Comment by mnd32 February 2012
  • I have both p90x and insanity. It kind of depends on your mentality I think. I can't stand tony horton for some reason, and to me it seems to drag on forever. Plus you have to have weights and a pull up bar. Insanity is right out of the gate 100mph! You only need you, no equipment, and it is crazy hard core. I love the…
  • Looks like you are on your way to having lots of friends! Add me to the list! ;) Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm with ya! I need all the friends I can get!
    in Open Call Comment by mnd32 January 2012
  • I just started and have zero friends! I would love to have a few myself for encouragement and to help encourage others! I know myself well enough that I can tell you I won't do this alone...without people here helping, I can quit pretty easily. Add me! :)