MMinMD Member


  • Bkrimpet- that pic is very familiar! Do u live in Ithaca?
  • Thanks Barbie! Happy June everyone. Four months on MFP for me and just about 25 lbs down. Review of Goals for May Make that scale move: 3 pounds in May. Meh. Burn more calories, averaged 2500 cal burn, and 2100 cal intake. Could do better! Fitbit: 170k steps in May; avg ~5400/day. Could do much better. Be happy and…
  • Happy Memorial Day everyone, and thanks to everyone who has served and given for us. Pat said yesterday: "let’s not make this into a food get together" Good words for lots of days like this! My sister (who lives next door), her DH and mine spent a little time floating on air mattresses on our creek yesterday (this is…
  • Finally caught up reading posts. Phew! Happy beautiful May day to everyone! My son is traveling to Sydney, AUS tomorrow (from home here in DC) to see his GF who is doing a semester abroad over there. We are exciting and doing final packing and planning today. 5 am start to get him to Dulles for a 9 am flight (we live an…
  • Good tues am all! Im still catching up but read two things from you all lately that really struck me. One from Barbie: make a food plan for the day and stick to it no matter what. And one from Mary (fancy): her story of losing most of her excess weight over many months and then starting a heavy lift program that did such…
  • Happy Sunday all! Made some nice whole wheat banana pancakes for bfast – added some cottage cheese for extra protein, and some raspberries that were on their last legs. Two big fluffy pancakes w/ a bit of maple syrup for 300 cal and 7 g protein. My tummy is feeling a bit bleh this weekend, so haven’t had any issues keeping…
  • I cannot keep up with all of you and so many great posts! I’ve been on travel for much of April and May, and not great on eating/drinking, but getting in my steps. I like that Fitbit! I’m getting more done around the house knowing I just need to get up and do things to get most of my 10k steps. Today I walked 2.5 miles at…
  • Quick check in. Travel day to montreal. Lots of airport steps and city walking this evening (12k). Not too bad on calories even with 2 beers and a small flatbread pizza for din...I am still under goal!
  • Reviewing goals from April: My goals for April were: 1. Make that scale move. Lost 8 lbs. a. Burn more calories b. Fitbit: 10,000 steps, 10 flights of stairs, 30 active min every day 2. Be happy and positive! 3. Get some quick and healthy dinners into my cooking rotation. 4. Stop that mindless eating when tired and PO’d.…
  • Still catching up! Lisa- I love hearing everyone's backstories. All of us over 50s have so much to tell. I am pleased for you that u found a happy place no matter how u got there. I am was close to 300 when I started MFP again this winter. We all struggle with food. I much appreciate the very positive tone of this…
  • I'm loving spring, loving how my fitbit gets me moving. Still having problems with keeping cals down during travel tho. I have a 3 day meeting in Montreal next week. Looking forward to walking the city but worried about food! Chris- how great buying new clothes in smaller sizes. I'm 20 lbs down and hope to get into smaller…
  • I spent much of late March and early April not losing any weight. I was pretty good with calories but had travel and visitors that I let slow me down. But thanks to y'all's wise advice I just kept at it. Here's proof u can push past a plateau:
  • Well I’m 10 pages behind and will never catch up. Working in my home office today. It's gorgeous so hope to get out and do yard work this afternoon after straightening out my Dad's taxes (meaning another hour on hold with the IRS). Sigh. Lilacs are in bloom and they are my favorite. I'll bring some to my Dad (who lives…
  • Oh, I’m loving the discussion of smaller “girls” Selena - lol with the droopy deflated girls. Sadly my fat belly is holding mine up. May I lose enuf weight to see them deflate a bit. Katla- get well soon! Thanks for the good news on smaller but not droopier girls! Pushups and weightlifting have gotta help. Sylvia – thanks…
  • Sorry ladies, I’ve been on travel and then had visitors the last week, so missed lots of posts! Hope you are all doing great and enjoying spring. Can’t wait to get some gardening/yard work in. I didn’t log food during these last several days of craziness (yes bad me, I need to get myself to do that), but I did recently get…
  • Happy Monday all! Off for a nice walk at lunch. Have been managing 7-10k steps every day since I got my Fitbit – yup, it helps keep me moving. I’m working today and tomorrow, off to Knoxville for work W-Th. Trivia tonite with my daughter who is in town. I’ll have a beer, but skip the pizza in favor of salad. I use Chrome…
  • Happy Easter ladies! It's a cool but sunny day here in MD. I'm enjoying some oatmeal with bananas and walnuts; later we'll head to the retirement community where our respected elders live for Easter dinner. My dad, my sister's DMIL and many friends parents live in this big lovley complex. My daffodils are gorgeous and our…
  • Thanks Barbie! My fitbit has arrived! I’m half way to my 10,000 steps already at lunch time (walk in the woods) and will do Zumba tonite. Goals for April: 1. Make that scale move. Current weight 279, goal for May 1, 270. 2. Burn more calories • Fitbit: 10,000 steps, 10 flights of stairs, 30 active min every day 3. Be happy…
  • I’m thinking about weight loss/healthy living as adaptive management. You have to keep good track of stats and progress, and then change what’s not working. My March goals were: Exercise at least 5 days a week. Eat 5 fruits and veg a day No snacks or drinks after dinner I lost weight and did mostly met my goals the first…
  • This made a great dinner salad: Dressing (2 servings): 3 T. raw almond butter 1 T. unseasoned rice wine vinegar ⅛ tsp. salt 1 T. maple syrup 2 t. toasted sesame oil Salad (1 serving): 3 cups mixed greens 1 stalk celery, diced 2 radishes, thinly sliced 1/3 green apple, thinly sliced and soaked in salted water to prevent…
  • Ladies – Rori, Katla, Janet, Cynthia, Barbie, Mary, Lillian - Thanks for all the encouragement. I am one of those with a very large amt of weight to lose, so will be here for the long haul. I am 16 lbs down with a goal of at least 120 more. Heather UK – it’s not bad news! It’s good news that folks like you can make it thru…
  • I’m just about 2 months into my effort to change my lifestyle and drop a LOT of weight. My loss has slowed down the last couple weeks, as I have started to lose focus and eat too much – not making time to plan, busy with work and travel, a bit frustrated. I haven’t been on this forum since last weekend, as I was on travel.…
  • Wow what a week. Sorry I haven’t checked in … a couple of midnites at the computer working on data and reports; a meeting and a proposal just killed my week. It’s weeks like this that made me fat over the last many decades, so my next lifestyle change is gonna be to stop pushing myself so hard at work, take on fewer…
  • 3/14 Sat. Happy Pi day! Our neighbor’s little kids brought us invitations for a 9:26 waffle brunch this am, and I limited myself to just 1. Yay! My son is home from college for a few days before he leaves on a spring break SCUBA trip, lots of hugs, so I am a happy mom. We’ve got hockey tix for tomorrow. Glad to provide…
  • Happy Th all It looks like we will have ice out on our Chesapeake Bay creek today. Not a term you usually hear this far south! I’m enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to my son and nephew being home this weekend, and a hockey game. I’m 6 weeks into serious diet and life change… and losing a bit of focus, starting to…
  • Oh yeah! Where did you all find the tickers that show weight lost AND weight to go? Tks - Cindy
  • 50’s and light rain here in MD. Busy day at work, but left early to get another skin spot removed and checked. Dr visits take up more and more of your time as you age. The “respected elders” in my life do seem to have a lot of days with doc apts. Beth in ME – fantastic weight loss that, 20 lbs since mid-Jan! Cynthia – good…
  • A lovely sunny Sunday in slower (southern) Maryland. The ice on our creek (a tributary of the Chesapeake) is just starting to melt. In 35 years here this is the first time since the early 19890’s that the creek (which is salt water and 1/2 mile across here at our house) has stayed frozen for more than a couple days. First…
  • In my many years of yo yo dieting (without much success) I get 20-30 lbs off, then get busy and stop paying attention, and put it all back on. I've usually focused on limiting calories using one scheme or another. This time I am focusing on a change of habits to healthy foods, meaning lots of fruit and veg, and moderate…