Ratchett13 Member


  • Hey! My name is Rachel. I'm from Michigan. I have been on this weight loss journey since Jan. 30 2012. So far i've lost almost 40 lbs! I had been exercising, but lately I have not due to some health issues. Now that I am feeling better I need the motivation to start working out again. I figure this seems like the place to…
  • There are 11 of me in the USA
  • I did 30DS in March and I was very happy with my results. I lost 7.6 lbs and 16 inches! I am currently doing Ripped in 30, I will finish on Monday and I'll post final weightloss, measurements and pics on Tuesday. As of the end of week 3 in RI30 I lost 7 lbs and 10 inches. 30DS Front before - after 30DS Side before - after…
  • Push-ups and most plank exercises... I have no upper body strength and it doesn't seem to be getting any better :0(
  • Ypsilanti, MI!
  • I am sooo close to onederland! I'd love to join!
  • I finished the 30 Day Shred at the end of march. I did it for 30 days straight. I did not lose any weight (in fact I gained a bit at the beginning) until towards the end of level 2. I lost 7.4 lbs and 16 inches when it was all over. Measure yourself for sure! Thats the only thing that kept me going. And take before and…
  • Well, if you do each level for 7 days thats only 28 days... but i am also assuming that theres meant to be some rest days incorporated here and there. I'm just gonna wing it, but make sure i do at least 6 days on every level. But its different for everyone :0)
  • Well this is what I came here to say! Join our group! We have lots of good people supporting each other!
  • I'm starting to be able to feel abs under there! lol
  • Okay, so I lost 7.4 lbs over the 30 days. Not what I was hoping for but I can not be sad about any loss! What I am most excited about is the inches. I lost 16 inches in 30 days! I am very happy about those results. I took pictures on day 1, day 11, day 21, and day 31. I wasn't seeing much of a difference. But my friends…
  • L3D8 done! I can't believe there's only 2 days left! I can feel a change in myself that I never thought possible. I have a lot to lose still so I am by no means "shredded" yet, but I know I am on my way there. Looking forward to my final weigh in, but mostly looking forward to my final measurements :0)
  • If you decide to do Ripped in 30 louisey112 and I are in a group to support each other in our journey through it. Join us if you would like! Ripped in 30 through April!
  • You look amazing! I can't wait to lose 60bs! What an inspiration! You said you're starting Ripped in 30 after your shred? If you haven't already, you should join our group, Ripped in 30 through April. It's a great bunch of ladies (and at least one guy lol) who are very supportive and we would love to have you join us!…
  • L3D4 done! I can't believe its almost over! I feel this hard work paying off though. I've definitely noticed a change in my endurance and my drive. Looking forward to final measurements. I bought my bridesmaids dress today for a wedding I'm in. I have over two months to squeeze into. I bought a snug size. I know, I'm…
  • For my 10 days on level 2 I lost 2.8 lbs (not as much as I was hoping...) But I lost 6 inches! Level 1- lost 1.2 lbs and 6 inches Level 2- lost 2.8 lbs and 6 inches Total so far- lost 4 lbs and 12 inches Yay!
  • Level 2 finished! Starting level 3 tomorrow. I will be weighing and measuring in the morning. I hope I've lost some more inches!
  • If you can't start on the 1st still join us! We can still support each other :drinker:
  • I'm gonna go out this week and buy Ripped in 30. We should start a group for April! Amber, what are your plans? You seem good at the whole Admin thing... I plan on starting 6 week 6 pack after Ripped in 30. Maybe I can trim down enough for a 2 piece bathing suit by my anniversary in June :0)
  • I live in Ypsilanti, on the edge of Belleville/Canton. I work in Belleville and I have lots of family in the Holland area! Would love some Michigan friends on here, especially local ones! Feel free to add me!
  • I tried to start this program last night. I decided to take my dog sadie out and get her some exercise... but her big ol' butt was dragging behind me.. I was literally pulling her! I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.... so now I know I gotta push through this. Not for me really, but for her. Poor thing...…
  • L2D8 finished yesterday. Day 9 tonight! I can't believe level 2 is almost over either. It went by faster than level 1 for me. I can't wait to measure after L2D10 will be posting those too! Starting c25k tonight. Wish me luck!
  • L2D7 done! I actually did day 6 and 7 today. I missed yesterday and couldn't bear the thought of being a day behind so I did it once in the morning and once just now. Boy was it hard to do a second time today! But it feels really good to be on track! I'm starting c25k on Monday so I hope my results get even better!
  • L2D4 finished yesterday. I'm not a sweater, especially on my face, but level 2 makes me sweat and I love it! Can't wait to do day 5 tonight. Then ill be halfway through!
  • L2D3 finished yesterday. I am loving the butt kicking! All for results, right? Doing L2D4 after work today. Thinking about starting c25k 3 days a week on top of this. Any thoughts about that program?
  • L2D2 finished yesterday. Starting to know the moves a little better... I also like level 2 better than level 1, but there are still a couple moves that I have to stop for a sec. But its all getting better. Now I can do 30 seconds of jump rope without feeling like I'm gonna die. I really like the walkout pushups a lot too…
  • L2D1 complete! I have to say there were a few moves that kicked my butt, but I really like a lot of the moves better than level 1. Maybe I was just sick of those lol. I definitely see a change in my endurance though. I never would have been able to do level 2 when I started level 1
  • Amazing! Great job! Keep it up and good luck on level 2!
  • Ok so I weighed in and did my measurements for day 10. Not exactly what I was hoping for but I can't be sad about progress! 30DS SW: 220 CW: 218.8 So down 1.2 lbs Neck: -.5 Arm: -.25 Chest: -.5 Bust: -1 Waist: -1.5 Hips: -1.5 L. Thigh: -.5 R. Thigh: -.25 Inches lost = 6! Starting level 2 in 20 minutes!
  • Finished L1D10 yesterday and boy I'm glad its done! Will be posting my weight and inches lost this evening right before I start L2D1. I am scared and excited for the change...