

  • Hi there, Great idea! I just started using this site yesterday, and my goal is to loose 70lbs. It seems like a huge task and will take just over a year, which in itself is pretty scary, but will be so worth it. The idea of having a group of us all doing something similar and being able to support each other etc. sounds…
  • Hi folks, I'm a bit late joining in but I only just joined the site this morning! My goals for the rest of July are: Loose 2 - 4lbs NO TAKEAWAYS!! Use this site everyday Sah x
  • Aww thanks to you too for the welcome! :) Been having a nose about the message boards and feeling inspired. Have added you, thanks! x
    in Just joined! Comment by sah84 July 2010
  • Thanks so much for the welcome! :) And for the kind words of encouragement - going to try my best to stick with this and adopt a more healthy way of life. Thanks again x
    in Just joined! Comment by sah84 July 2010