

  • I tried the Dr. Pepper 10 yesterday-- definitely did not do it for me, but it was not bad -- I could see people moving to that very easily coming from Coke/Pepsi. All of you got me thinking, I do like the Minute Maid Light Lemonade -- I think I am going to swap out 1 Coke a day for that and see how it goes. Thanks everyone!
  • I started buying the 90 calorie 7.5 oz cans and trying to drink those instead of a 12 oz can!
  • Thanks everyone with all of your helpful hints and creative options -- I have definitely heard Crystal Light being a popular substitute as well as the Diet Dr. Pepper, I had forgotten about that! Basically I drink 4 items - wine, water, unsweetened green tea (hot and cold) and Coke. The most I will drink in a day is 2 12…
  • did you see this? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/nutrition-facts-calories/maggianos Hopefully that helps :happy:
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