salp02 Member


  • I'm looking for someone to motivate me! I'm trying to lose a total of 45 lbs, but I'm going for small goal increments. I'm working on 12 lb by Christmas! Add me, and I'll do my best to support you! Shayne
  • I need motivation, ane would love to follow others that are doing the 1,200 diet, too! Add me!!
  • Definitely! Keep up the good work! I see a difference for sure! I need to start taking before and after pictures myself. :)
  • Im a mother of one, and Ive been struggling for a year to get this baby fat off, too. Add me, and ill do my best to motivate you!
    in help ! Comment by salp02 January 2013
  • I drink loads of water by drinking a glass as soon as I wake in the morning, coffee, then one afterwards. Anything you drink you need to drink water between. Like a crystal light, then water, coffee, water, ect. . . Always keep a water bottle with you!! You'll eventually make it! :) Keep drinking that h2o!
  • My goals in three months: 1. got to the gym at least 2xs a week 2. lose at least 15 lbs by making better choices
  • My friend just found out shes allergic to milk, and is struggling to quit dairy. Its in almost everything! Main thing to do is to eat 'whole' foods. Shes found its way easier that way than any other way. Anyone who has to do that is way stronger than I am!! best of luck!
  • It is very hard! They have a"biggest Loser" program going on here at work that will hopefully motivate me to do better. We will see! Thanks!!
  • Ive read that it takes 90 days to get into a habit. So, hang in there!! Im starting to go to the gym myself. Im going to shoot for 90 days, and hopefully Ill get into the swing of things before then. About the grocery shopping: I understand where youre coming from. bags of frozen veggies are usually pretty cheap. When…
  • Ive got small goals this year, but in the long run, its just steps to my big one! A friend of mine is also setting her goals to go to the gym with me at least 5 days a week during our lunch breaks. Here are my personal goals to meet on top of our gym goal: Step one: to eat only when Im hungry, salads {{all veggies}} for…
  • anifani4 is right! Whole foods are best. I also stick a whole chicken in a crockpot one morning to have it later for dinner with a bag of frozen veggies. Then, you have the chicken for chicken salad sandwiches, chicken tacos, or even broth and chicken for home made chicken noodle soup. For my lunch, i usually do chicken…
  • So, Im not sure if this is a closed group, but Id like to become part of the gang! I had my son back in Dec of 2011. A year later, and Ive actually GAINED since Ive had my son. I really need motivation here!!
  • I also get the tingling and numbness in my toes after about 20 minutes on the elliptical. My sister told me she does too. I think its just normal, since your toes are at the very fron of the petals. I tried to pull my feet back away from the front. Although, it did help, but it didn't stop the tingling from coming...…
  • I actually considered purchasing the P90X, but it is a whole lot more expensive than your average workout video. I have to do all of my exercising outside or around the house, and I think this will help. Have you guys seen a huge improvement?
  • ABOUT MEEE!!! Name: Shayne Height: 5'6" Weight (If comfortable revealing): 152 Goal Weight: 120 Highest Weight: 160 Lowest Weight: 119 Dieting Are you currently dieting? In a way, I guess. What diet do you follow? Just watching what I eat. How many calories do you take in daily? Btwn 1,300 and 1,500 How many fat grams do…
  • I really enjoy food also. I used to beat myself up over what I ate and how I ate. You are very right! Once I started not obssessing over How many calories I eat, and more about how to make myself more healthy, I have also lost the lbs! I have to get a beach body by June, and I intend to keep it that way and continue…
  • You're training for the KY Debry Mini Marathon?! ME TOO!! Im glad to find someone else!! I know you can do it! We have to have faith!
  • I recommend everyone to read the below statement from's very own nancy Clark: The unfortunate message perpetuated by The Biggest Loser is “eating is cheating.” False. Eating satisfies a physiological requirement for food. Just as people need to…
  • GOOD JOB!! :wink: I needed to hread this for encouragement since I am actually in the beginning stages for training for a Mini marathon. :happy: Where did you get your training schedule? I just started last week, and I can only run about 5 MPH for 15 minutes. Im more worried about how long i can run right now. Next I will…
  • My company actually started a program call Wellness for Life. We are to keep track of our weight, food intake, and exercise on this site to gain some points. Its almost like a 'biggest loser' for Humana. I might be here for losing weight, but Im also here to gain perspective on becoming more healthy! Now all I need is some…