

  • Been there many times. It happens. Its a journey not a challenge. Every journey has detours and roadblocks. When this happens to me, I like to evaluate if I was possibly being to aggressive. The only reason I have been able to lose 36lbs is becasue I went slow. I didn't listen to anyone except my own body. Everyone kept…
  • There is a whole religous belief based on fasting. I don't believe it, but check this out. SOmepeople believe if you can fast long enough you will live forever.
  • For me when I start I always hit a point where I want to drag anything living to a fire pit, cook, and eat it. It resembles detox. Your body is addicted to the sugar, salt, and grease. Not to mention phsycologically addicted. I hit this wall several times and fail, but once I do manage to break through once, it starts to…