

  • Thank you!!!! That does make more sense. I go to the gym 6 times a week and eat healthy so I can get healthy. I have family history of heart diseases so I want to make sure if this happens to me my body will be healthy enough to recover. My brother lives an extremely healthy lifestyle and had a heart attack at 42 and…
  • I too was stepping on the scale everyday and it messed with me to..Maybe it is the overanxious of losing weight and wanting to see changes..lol.. I too changed to every friday. I guess as long as I am losing cm/inches I am improving. It would just be nice to see the lbs go down too..lol
  • Coffee for breakfast use to be my only breakfast. However, after talking with a personal trainer she told me I need to eat breakfast because it is what fuels your body for the day. My trainer recommended I start small and work my way up so I could get use to routine and consumption. I still have my coffee cause it is my…
  • You go girl..It is always nice to feel good..but this guy may have like the fact that you are a woman that takes care of your body.. and you are not afraid of the hard work it takes to ensure you have a healthy body. :smile:
  • Do not waste your time. In the end they all have recalls and are proven to be bad on your body. I take a multivitamin and it is awesome. It is designed for women who diet and exercise. It is called Women's One A Day Active. It helps speed up your metabolism and gives you energy and all the vitamin's your body needs. I have…
  • Another thing I do in the morning is drink a protein shake for breakfast. I am still trying to train myself to do breakfast and found mixing up a shake is good. I get some from wal mart and add mix. There is enough vitamins and minerals to substitute a breakfast.
  • I had some of the similar problems as you. I always skipped breakfast and did not eat until 11:30. However, I just started my journey last Wednesday and started eating a small bowl of cereal or two scrambled eggs and notice a change in my energy which makes me work out more :) I too have a problem with snacking late at…
  • wow...awesome job..congrats on your success!!!