

  • Wow, everyone is doing great! I definitely see differences in the two sets of pictures that were posted. When I look in the mirror I can see that my stomach "fat pouch" is smaller than it was and a lot of my clothes are fitting more loosely now and I'm really happy about that. I need to get some new clothes but I'm trying…
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to check Amazon and see if I can find some of these things for a reasonable price. No netflix for me because it's just not worth the price anymore. I will have to see if I get any channels on TV that would have workouts that I could DVR and do when I have time. I hadn't thought to look…
  • I think this is interesting too. I had read a similar article a few weeks ago. I had been trying not to eat my exercise calories, but I changed my mind after reading something similar to this: "Metabolism represents the amount of energy, in other words, calories, that your body uses to maintain itself. Your body uses food…
  • Haha, that's so funny about your DD. My 4 yo DS has been trying to do jumping jacks and it's so cute. As far as resting, I usually have 2-3 days a week where I don't work out. It really just depends on how busy my week is and how my day goes. My DH travels for work a lot and it's definitely harder to find time to exercise…
  • Thanks! I wish I had been measuring the inches because that would be interesting to see. It would probably also keep me more motivated to see inches coming off when it seems like the weight loss has slowed a bit. Hopefully I'm adding some muscle in addition to getting rid of fat. :smile:
  • I just wanted to give my update. After 30 days I lost somewhere between 6 and 7 pounds. I still can't do all of the exercises the advanced way, but I'm getting better and I definitely have better endurance for the cardio now. I can make it through the videos without needing any kind of break. The weight loss is probably…
  • I've started on level 2 now and it seems to really be affecting my knees. My knee was already sore during level 1, so I don't think it's something particular to level 2. I can't do a normal jumping jack or go all the way down on my lunges because my left knee is so sore. Has anyone else had this problem? I've been trying…
  • I started the 30 DS 9 days ago. I'm still doing level 1, but I'm going to move up to level 2 in the next day or two. I figure I'll spend about 10 days on each level, then maybe start over with heavier weights. The first few days were pretty tough and my legs were soooo sore. Like so sore I could barely get from a sitting…
  • Last Friday I had McD cheeseburger and coke for lunch, then Outback cheese fries, grilled chicken and broccoli for dinner. I was actually only about 20 calories over for the day, but waaayy over for fat. At least now I know which things to avoid in the future. I also just looked up a small chocolate shake at McD's and it's…
  • I've been getting the Weight Watchers desserts. There are strawberry smoothie frozen yogurt bars that are only 60 calories each and there are strawberry dipped in chocolate that are 100 calories. They are very yummy and I can't make it through the day without some kind of treat. The problem is even on sale they're $4 for a…
  • I really like this site so far. I love that I can essentially eat whatever I want as long as I keep my calories low enough. I tried BFL a few years ago, but the concept of many small meals doesn't work well for me. I need to have a 400-600 calorie lunch and dinner with a few snacks, otherwise I feel hungry all the time.…
  • In the past I've done a lot of jogging on the treadmill for exercise. What my doctor suggested that I think will really work best for me is to just put on some music and dance/jump around with my kids. It's too cold for us to get out much and they need the exercise as much as I do. I entered 20 minutes of general dancing…
  • Hi ladies! I'm mostly a lurker on BBC these days, also kelgirl36 over there. I'd like to lose at least 25-30 pounds to get back where I started before having kids. I was got pretty close between the two pregnancies, but I can't seem to get the weight off after the second baby. Hopefully this group will help keep me more…
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