

  • @Arkans...don't beat yourself up...pregnancy takes over your body, mind and metabolism! I love that weight watchers commercial where hey say its a new day! So if you mess up you always can have a fresh start! If app isn't working could always try writing it down on paper?
  • Hope your appointment went well @ Joyfulteach Hahah I love this line @ajzmann And third trimester...HOLY CRAP. Where has the time gone? (Do all pregnancies fly by? Or am I just seeing it this way because it's my first and I am terrified of what happens when the baby comes!?) I totally agree!!! I can't even deal with the…
  • Ajzmann- great points! I also think every pregnancy is different and every woman's body reacts differently. I was hoping to be one of those pregnant runners who runs until I deliver but get tough pains during and after runs. So listening to my body and will pick up new activity and stop beating myself up and being…
  • I did the one hour test last week and they said to eat normally...I ate lunch an hour before test...I would believe you could eat/drink up until the test. Mine came back negative...I didn't ask what the number was because I know I would google it and over think it lol I have heard that the closer you do it to 24 week the…
  • @ Ajzmann- Great job!!!! :) :) :) @jgrodzicki - I hear ya...my routine is not going so well...this week will be better!!! Changing goal to get out 3-4x for cardio and I still need to do some type of yoga...going to look on YouTube later for that!!! The summer school program just ended so this week I have no excuses why I…
  • Great work ladies!!! I may too reevaluate my goals next week as well. My hunger has gone up as well! Glad this heat wave is over! It's been in he 60s today compared mid 90s last week!!!
  • Welcome and congrats Jagger27!!! My goal report: Tracked everyday! :) However, did not meet my fitness goals...did cardio 4 out if the 5 days and no yoga class :( Going to keep same goal as last week. This week going to bring clothes to work and use the gym there because when I get home I don't want to leave the house!…
  • That is great news!!! :) Excellent work going to the gym in the morning!!! Wish I could get up earlier and do that!!!
  • Love your goals ladies!!! :) My fitness goal: do 30-45 min cardio/walking 5x a week and go to 1 yoga class/video My diet goal: track my food consistently We will do great! I am going to book these in my calendar to make sure I do it!
  • I hear you all on the motivation part! My sciatica has been acting up, but is finally feeling better...seems running irritates it so trying to do elliptical instead. Maybe for those interested we could post a personal goal we have for this coming week (diet and/or exercise)? Start Sunday end Sunday (I have read some…
  • Best friend recommended bob jogging stroller...bought at kohls.com and used 30 percent off so was same price as amazon but got $60 kohls cash when I bought. I seem to break everything so was happy to get from store where I know they will exchange if defective.
    in Baby Jogger? Comment by Julzet July 2013
  • Thanks! Good luck on your half! That will be a great medal to hang in your baby's room :happy:
  • Hi All!!! I am 17 weeks and have a tiny bump, but just feel big all over...this is baby #1 for me! Due November 7th! I ran the Boston Marathon a month and a half ago and took a little rest, but now having trouble getting back into it. Would like to be back in my routine of running. Congrats to all of you!!!
  • This week goal: 1. eat servings of fruits and vegs 2. Post how I did - still have not done :( 3. Drink less crystal light and more water or tea (btw target sells cyrstal light generic brand of margarita and strawberry daqu.)
  • Excellent goals! Does your phone let you check topics? Mine won't :( I have to use a real computer to see it. I will join you with the goals. My goal is to eat 4 fruits and vegetables a day. Once I get there I will increase to 5 servngs Because I use my ohobe 98% of the time for fitnesspal...I am just going to post 2 out…