CAn anyone give me advice on how long they think this quiche would keep in the fridge? I don't imagine very long! Maybe I will just make individual sizes :)
I like to log my air intake. Helps me keep track of when I am and am not breathing.
My husband and I are both gamers, and we had a fantastic date tonight that consisted of going out for dinner and talking about Dragon Age, haha. It seems to be working out fairly well ;)
And in Alberta only grade 4 - 6 is required French. So I speak as much French as someone who took it two years in Elementary :D Being from Alberta transplanted to the US I get these inquiries A LOT.
Smarties in America = what we call Rockets in Canada. Also what A-holes give out on Halloween. [/quote] Send me your Rockets next halloween! ha ha they're my favourite! ;) [/quote] Haha, they ended up growing on be, being a chubby girl in need of a sugar fix I would reluctantly eat them. But they'd always be the last in…
I've been able to find Coffee Crisp and crappy lays Dill Pickle in the import section of Wegmans. But nowhere in VA have I been able to find Ketchup! What brand and where?!
But be warned, Kinder surprise eggs are not allowed to be shipped in the USA.
Haha love the idea about Canadian Tire money. HP Sauce!!!! Crunchies Smarties Mr Big Old Dutch Ketchup Chips (If you're on the West Coast) Molson Canadian (although I'm pretty sure you can't ship booze legally)
You're thinking of SMARTIES. Smarties in Canada = m&m type chocolate (only better) Smarties in America = what we call Rockets in Canada. Also what A-holes give out on Halloween.
2 years engaged. But he knew he was going to marry me before he could even pronounce my name correctly ^.^
THOSE LOOK AMAZING!!! I want to make this tomorrow!
Candied Maple bacon and maple bacon doughnuts!
She reminds me of Lotso from Toy Story 3. Soft and cuddly on the outside, but secretly evvvvvil. I don't know about her ins with eveil corps, but there has been somehting about her that has always seemed off. Especially the way she promotes crap eating and the way she treats her family on her show. I never knew she…
I'm a bread ADDICT so I could use these!
Omg, I do at EVERY time I have to spell bananas!
I don't know if this has been posted. I had to gogle what this noodle was and came across this Thought you guys might be daring enough to try it... a 10 cal chocolate cookie made with these noodles... WHAT WHAT! If anyone tries it…
Mmm... next grocery shop for sure! I'm going to add garlic and herbs but take out the bread crumbs. Wish me luck =D
Check your last example...
I'm just going to throw this out there. 'You' is a three letter word that doesn't need to be abbreviated down to one letter. That's just called being lazy.
My ideal breakfast is a mountain of bacon, but since I'm not trying to kill myself with succulent, mouth watering goodness I will settle for eggs with sauteed veggies, greek yogurt and some milk!
I always eat a little unhealthy during my time of the month, but I remember one week where I just ate super unhealthy. Fast food and icecream. I made sure to drink lots of water and somehow managed to lose weight. I think the extra calorie boost was needed for my body at the time.
I am like you! I love a salty, crunchy snack. I resort to air popped popcorn, kale chips , popcorn chips and homemade dry roasted chick peas (those help A LOT!) if I need something. I don't season anything with salt anymore, I just use Mrs.Dash herbs or fresh herbs. Took a while to get used to. It's definitely a weening…
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me this stuff is straight from the book. I am actually laughing so hard I can't read anymore through the tears. I had to stop at the popscicle part.
Sorry, I didn't see this post before I made mine.
I thought this said "50 Shades of Gay". Now I'm seriously dissapointed. In all seriousness, the reason it's like a "poorly written Twilight" is because it IS A POORLY WRITTEN TWILIGHT. It was written as an INTERNET FAN FICTION of Twilight. The names were changed to avoid copyright issues. *facepalm* So if you like…
Other than obvs. my husband! I had one. But then I moved to a different country and that is that. Locally - none that "get" me or we could just hang for days on end. None that I can just be in each others presence and have a good time. It's a shame and I really miss that tight bond. It sucks.
Yes, all my tattoo(s) do and will mean something to me. However I know a lot of people with decorative tats and they are badass and I love them. For me it's personal preference.. jsut like some adore colour trats while others are all black and white. I only have so much room =D
I would love to have a 28inch waist. I am at 30 right now... my hips are 42inches! They won't budge, damnit!
Massachusetts!!!! I can never go to Boston :'( It comes out as Mashtatootsess.