

  • hey, only person saying hello. hope ur well
  • haha cant believe nobody wanted to say hi. #wheresthelove lol
  • I've been through it twice before man. im starting it again on monday to cut 30-40lbs. I'll post in here daily to keep myself accountable. im easing into it to start strict on monday again.
  • i dont own a copy of the book, lost it when i moved and i just use that site to calculate
  • yeah i still do the drop sets after and then do 3 other exercises more focused on hypertrophy for whatever muscle group i was working, i lift monday tuesday, do some form of cardio on wed, lift thursday friday and then cardio saturday and rest completely on sundays
  • I've follower the BBB for up to 8 months in the past and seen great results in all lifts, i've recently just came back from having back surgery id been doing the typical BB style workouts the past 12-14 months but im feeling good and now currently back doing the 5,3,1 but ive choosen the Bodybuilder template. i still do…
  • cheers for the info guys. will go and workout TDEE. i had only been tracking my cardio exercise on myfitness pal. so 3 45 sessions in gym and daily i'll walk for hour with my dogs i wasnt taking my lifting into account at all. i was making sure to eat carbs before and after training. 1g protein per LBM and i ate .35g per…
  • Im following Jim wendlers 5,3,1 program which is power lifting based workouts 4 days per week low reps alot of weight to try and maintain muscle tissue, and 3 days of 45 minutes cardio in the gym "run,bike,swim,Cross trainer etc" I'm trying to maintain muscle tissue and lose body fat, not soo interested in the weight on…