

  • My roommate got me to start juicing and I LOVE IT! It really does make me feel better when I do it at least 1-2 a day. Though will agree it does get expensive which is why I always try to hit up the farmers markets you can sometimes talk them down on price especially if your a regular of their stand. My favorite juice for…
  • So if I understand this all correctly regardless of if you exercise or not you should only eat at most the calorie goal that MFP set up for me?
  • EGGS!! I do what is called an egg mug you make it in a mug in the microwave so its easy, quick, and feeling. My favorite is BTA (Bacon, Tomato, Avocado) egg mug its only 175 calories and keeps me full. Though for some reason it doesn't then I just snack on a Clementine.