

  • Thanks for the great post... It is so very true, I have just recently started my weight loss journey... although i have tried a number of times before to lose weight and havent had the success i wanted... this time one of the major things i am doing differently is the portion controll, measuring and recording what I eat…
  • Thanks for your supportive words, I do love the site already, everyone seems so friendly, I think the support makes a big difference and there is soo much of it here its very reassuring. Thanks again and good luck to you as well :)
    in New Comment by porckchops February 2009
  • hello all, Joined last night, cannot believe how great the food diary area is on this site! it has soo many more foods then any other site I have joined! totally awesome! anyway i have been on my weight loss journey for a week now... weighed in today with a 2 pound loss! excited about that... oh yes my name is Ashley I am…
    in New Comment by porckchops February 2009