
hello all,

Joined last night, cannot believe how great the food diary area is on this site! it has soo many more foods then any other site I have joined! totally awesome! anyway i have been on my weight loss journey for a week now... weighed in today with a 2 pound loss! excited about that... oh yes my name is Ashley I am from moncton NB Canada, going to college currently to be a paralegal and hopefully going to univeristy next year to furter my career in law. I am currently married a little over a year, and I am going to be 23 in April so I think that is about it wanna know more just ask

Good luck to everyone and feel free to message me when ever I am always up for meeting new people!



  • porckchops
    hello all,

    Joined last night, cannot believe how great the food diary area is on this site! it has soo many more foods then any other site I have joined! totally awesome! anyway i have been on my weight loss journey for a week now... weighed in today with a 2 pound loss! excited about that... oh yes my name is Ashley I am from moncton NB Canada, going to college currently to be a paralegal and hopefully going to univeristy next year to furter my career in law. I am currently married a little over a year, and I am going to be 23 in April so I think that is about it wanna know more just ask

    Good luck to everyone and feel free to message me when ever I am always up for meeting new people!

  • rsalgado
    rsalgado Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome!!! Good luck to you! This is the BEST place to be in order to lose weight!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, I just know you will love this site if you don't already. I love it here. Everyone is so supportive, helpful and nice and the site is so motivational. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • porckchops
    Thanks for your supportive words, I do love the site already, everyone seems so friendly, I think the support makes a big difference and there is soo much of it here its very reassuring. Thanks again and good luck to you as well :)