karenmiller81 Member


  • I do this sometimes. Not even sure why I do and I don't do it consistently. But I will say that I tend to stick to my calories more religiously when I do. Hmm. Maybe I should do it more often :-)
  • Yes same thing happened to me. Even by the end, I think I had dropped maybe 2 pounds, but my body did look WAY more toned and I felt stronger. Also I lost inches. It bothered me at first, but then I got over it because being toned is good for you and, in my opinion, helps you look a lot better. We all know people who are…
  • I do this, only with me I'm referring to actual stairs. I don't count each step that I walk, but if I"m going up or down a staircase I have to count them. Even ones I go up and down every single day. I know there are 12 steps going down to my basement, but I still count them every. single. time.
  • I majored in Spanish in my undergrad and did my Master's in secondary education. I was a high school Spanish teacher until I had my kids and look forward to going back to teaching when they're a bit older. Good luck in your decision!
  • I'm the same way. I play outside with my kids pretty much every single day, sometimes for hours and I used to log it as walking or something, but it was too difficult to really calculate because sometimes I really chase them around and sometimes I kind of stand around and watch them play. I sort of felt like it was holding…
  • I was just talking about this with a friend the other day: how the exact same weight and height can look soooooo different on people (or the same person at different stages in your instance). I'm one of those people who technically by BMI standards am very slightly overweight, yet I'm very fit and even my doctor at my last…
  • Well that's entirely up to you and what additional progress you want/need to make. I did the shred completely through a couple years ago, then started doing other types of workouts, but would occasionally use it intermittently. Now I'm actually using it again consistently, but with slightly heavier weights this time and I…
  • I was not the original person who mentioned homemade salsa, but I also LOVE salsa and make a homemade one that we love and is ridiculously simple. Bear in mind there are literally hundreds of ways to make salsa and it all depends on your likes. For example, I prefer smooth salsas, as opposed to a pico de gallo coarsely…
  • I didn't gain a whole lot with either pregnancy--roughly the recommended 25-30 pounds and what I found both times is that losing the weight has been pretty easy...except for the last 5 pounds! Boy are they stubborn. That's what I'm working on. But it is important to remember that for some of us, the mommy pooch is…
  • It seems to me that many, many people who use MFP have noted that they go over their protein regularly. It's possible that MFP really low balls how much protein one should eat. Unless you are eating an enormous amount of protein, this really should not be an issue (in terms of weight loss and general health). Keep it up,…
  • Yes for sure. I literally can't wear certain pairs of jeans during that time of the month which normally fit fine. Also, it might be mostly in my head, but I feel the absolute thinnest and lightest immediately after my period is done. It's definitely mostly water weight.
  • Unfortunately, you're correct in that it really is just loose skin (as opposed to fat), which means the only true way to get rid of it is surgery, like a tummy tuck. I have the same issue and it can be pretty depressing. I also was quite fit and had very trim, muscular abdominals before I had my children, and even though…
  • I did the 30 Day shred last summer very diligently. I do agree with people that it's not a workout that will probably provide dramatic weight loss, but it absolutely re-shapes your body. I was in a position where I didn't really have much to lose in terms of pounds (just about 5 pounds of baby weight) but was still unhappy…