I don't let



  • jankleberry
    jankleberry Posts: 508
    I have to cover my ear with my hair before I can sleep. Incase something crawls in there.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    We moved recently and now have an upstairs with a custom built in child gate. I lock it and go back to check around 5 times about 20 times a day since I am constantly up and down the stairs. I realized it was getting bad when my 1.5 year old would go and shake it after seeing me do it so many times.... but the thought of leaving it open FREAKS me out to no end.

    I check door locks, the stove and the gate, several times a day. The door locks I ease up on when my husband is home, but he is gone 28 days at a stretch so there is a whole lot of OCD triple checking going on in our house.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    any colored candy I eat (m&m, skittles) must be eaten in pairs of non-matching colors. If there are only two of the same color left...they get tossed.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I always clean the house in the same order - living room, vaccum upstairs, clean kitchen, bedroom 1,2, then master. I *could* shake it up a bit, but it may not get as clean...
    That is me exactly. And when someone comes to "help" such after I had a baby they go in the wrong order and then I have no idea if the house is even clean. I think I have a problem :embarassed:

    Oh and I HATE feet. I do not want mine touched EVER. And touching other peoples feet will make me throw up. *shiver*
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    any of my extremities hang over the bed while I sleep because the under-bed monster is going to grab me and pull me under.

    What are your weird quirks? :)
    I do the same thing. Have all my life :blushing:
  • If i can't sleep the only movie i have to put on is pirates of the caribean and I turn the volume down so I barley here it.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    any of my extremities hang over the bed while I sleep because the under-bed monster is going to grab me and pull me under.

    What are your weird quirks? :)
    LOL! I do this too. And I don't like to go to sleep with the closet doors open. Some of that *kitten* might get me...

    BOTH OF THESE!!!! lol. I also sleep with one leg out from under the covers to keep cool and no matter how hot it gets in my bedroom I absolutely have to have AT LEAST the sheet on me.
  • karenmiller81
    karenmiller81 Posts: 14 Member
    I count my steps - especially if I'm in a hurry. Fortunately this does NOT carry over to running!!!

    I do this, only with me I'm referring to actual stairs. I don't count each step that I walk, but if I"m going up or down a staircase I have to count them. Even ones I go up and down every single day. I know there are 12 steps going down to my basement, but I still count them every. single. time.