kkrondon Member


  • I ❤️ Skinnytaste, Eat Yourself Skinny, and Dashing Dish!
  • Wow! That's an inspirational post...that motivates me to reach my goal. Thanks for posting.
  • Sounds great! I have been struggling with accountability myself for the last several months. But, I am starting anew this week and pledge to be accountable for clean eating and consistently working out. We can hold each other accountable.
  • Awesome, many of these sites I use regularly but many of them r new 2 me! I will check them out...thanks!!!
  • I love protein shakes! I personally I use GNC whey protein...I recommend chocolate if u will just mix with water or if u want to make more of a Smoothie or milkshake I would use vanilla as it's the most versatile. They r great pre- or post-workout and can definitly be used for weight loss if u drink as a meal replacement.…
  • For me it's cake, ice cream (Blue Bell Banana Split to be exact), french fries, chicken quesadillas, and pizza! The usual suspects. But, I haven't totally given all of them up...I indulge ever so carefully in a few of these in my weekly splurge meal (notice I said spluge meal; not splurge day)!:happy:
  • Ooooh, this is such a familiar problem; I too wear Invisalign trays. In fact, I am on my 2nd round of Invisalign because I didn't complete my treatment the first time. It is a pain to take them out, eat, brush, and floss for every meal when you eat 5 or 6 meals a day, but you gotta do it. I too started to skip…
  • Check out www.skinnytaste.com and www.eatingwell.com for free healthy recipes. Also, feel free to send me a friend request...we can motivate each other.
  • Great, I will check it out!
  • I just ordered and received my Body Revolution DVDs and kit. I will start the program 2morrow. I am sure that I will enjoy the workout part...I'm a huge fan of her Ripped in 30 DVD and of circuit training in general, b'cuz it's so effective! But in reviewing the meal plan many of the recipes appear to be overly complicated…
  • I wouldn't say that I've ever lost weight doing it but it does help me get my fruit/veggies in. I use the Jack Lalane power juicer.
  • I wear Moving Comfort...the style name is Maia and it has underwire. I wear a 36DD and it's the best for running...NO BOUNCE. I usually run about 4x per week. I highly recommend it.
  • I love Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 Days. It's a 4 week circuit training program; 1 workout per week and it gets progressively more difficult. Each one is is a 20-24 min. workout; which I love because it's a high calorie burn in a relatively short workout. Also, I like Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training DVD. It's…
  • Yep, I do it too. In fact I add both protein powder and ground flaxseeds to my oatmeal.
  • I'm happy 2 add u...I need more friends too. We can support each other!
  • I'm a runner; although my marathon running days r probably behind me and I'm not training for any races at the moment, I still run about 4x a week to supplement my circuit training workouts. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I'm looking for new friends too. Feel free to add me; we can support each other.
  • Just checked out the web md article; it's a great list of snacks under 100 calories. Will start snacking from this list immediately!
  • It's like ur reading my mind!!! I'm going on vacation soon to an all-inclusive resort (food and alcohol). So, I am worried about the same thing, but honestly I have done it before. The good thing is that I tend to stick to my workout schedule as much as possible even on vacation because I know that I will be indulging in…
  • Bump! Thx for the tip. It's always a race against the clock to finish my strawberries and blueberries before they go soft and/or mold.
  • Sure, add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated.
  • 800 calories is significant; it's about 2 meals for me. If you have that many calories left over on a regular basis after you've finished dinner, then you may not be eating enough. Eat more and don't worrry so much about the MFP protein goal...I too think it's really low. But, I wouldn't recommend eating 800 calories worth…
  • Cheat meal...don't throw away the entire day. You might undo all the work you've done that week if u have a full day of cheating.
  • Remember the daily calorie goal that MFP set for you is NET calories, e.g. you can eat 1700 calories, exercise to burn 500 calories To arrive at a net of 1200. I am also on a 1200 calorie diet and most days I don't find it difficult. If I find myself getting hungry, I try to incorporate more protein and fiber in my diet in…
  • Personally, I do my cardio first because I usually do a steady 30 min. run. Then I either weight train or circuit train (which involves weight lifting) for another 30 min. or so. I find that if I reverse the order, I don't have the energy to get thru my run as efficiently/effectively. But, it really depends on what…
  • Duh, ur msg said that you will start on Mar. 1...I'm in. Just started week 1 again for today's workout. Friend me and we can keep each other encouraged throughout the month. Also, don't forget that the DVD also comes with a 30 Day meal plan...I haven't really followed it to the letter, but maybe I will this round.
  • I love Ripped in 30 Days...I just completed 2 cycles...so 60 days and it's a great circuit training DVD. I do it about 4 days/week and usually pair it with about 30 min. of cardio...either a run or kickboxing for an extra burn and to get closer to a 1 hr. workout. It's a staple in my workout routine...would love to start…
  • I workout at home most of the time with DVDs. I would suggest circuit training...the combo of weight training and cardio in the same workout is super effective and you see results FAST. I like either Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 Days or Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training...I bought both at Target. I usually do 25-40…
  • I turned 40 this past Dec. and I started around Sept./Oct. on my journey to lose 25 lbs. Well, I did not make it because I wasn't consistent with eating right and working out...so no surprise there. And, my b-day came and went and I still wasn't back down 2 my "fighting weight." Then, I saw the pix from my40th b-day party…