

  • Hi there I also just recently started this program also, when I read your post I realized there are people out there just like me. I too have tried to be comfortable with how I am and now at the age of 48 I have health issues so it is a matter of well being now. I too have a 100+ to loose and hopefully together we can…
  • Hi I myself have started the weight loss journey I have a100+ to loose it seems like a journey so far away I get overwhelmed thinking about it so lets just take one step at a time and lets share our success stories!
  • Hi Jess, Good luck I'm an new member too and I am so excited, just think positive and be patient it will happen for you!
  • Of Course you can do it just think possitive you are the one who is in control of your mind and body. I'm not saying its going to be easy you just have to have your mind set on it. Put a picture of yourself on the fridge of a time when you looked and felt great maybe that will help. Good Luck from Big Bootie Judy
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