You know, my boyfriend drinks 1 gallon of water everyday and insists I should try to do the same. I feel slightly sick if I drink over a liter in a given day. But he's in the Marines and doing heavy work every single day on top of going to the gym for MMA. I'm guessing it really has to do with the person's body type and…
adlwilmot, if there was a Like button on here, I would have pressed it on your comment :-) I don't feel so nauseous today, but I am sipping slow and only drinking 1 cup before a meal. I think maybe I was chugging it too fast. :embarassed:
Count me in! I just started today so about 6 days behind, but I will definitely join in!
Yeah. I was excited about the app calculating if I kept up "A" at such and such a level or rate then I would lose "X" amount of weight by Feb. I decided....hey! I want to focus on 5 lbs right now. It makes it easier!