

  • I'm starting out at 204... I've never seen the 2 as the first number on the scale before and I'm beyond ashamed :( I've spent a LOT of time stress eating and eating whenever I'm upset which has landed me here! I was 130 in high school (8 years ago) so this is killing me. My goal is to be 160 (for now). Once I reach that…
  • veggies I would think are okay (especially green ones) but fruits are high in sugar so I would probably track those? Not sure... let me know if you still get results and I may try! LOL
  • New as well, started less than a week ago. I have a 10 month old that is my inspiration to lose the weight. I'm trying to lose 40 lbs, possibly a little more. Definitely nervous about this because I've never been able to lose weight, no matter what I do. I've tried all the diets, the gym, etc. I'm hoping that if I add this…