arussell134 Member


  • Oh lots of reasons! 1) I found it was EXCELLENT for weight loss! You burn so many calories. (I combined it with weight training for optimal results). 2) Mental aspect - I find that some of my best ideas and daydreams happen while I'm running. 3) Feeling of accomplishment. Crossing the finish line of 26.2 miles is an…
  • Sounds like a Disney race - those have 16 min/mile cutoffs. Wine & Dine? And if you don't meet that, yes, they will sweep you. I second/third/fourth Galloway for you. You'll be able to run/walk it fine enough. But.... I really, really encourage you to give yourself some real time to train for a half next time!!! I'm doing…
  • The first day of my new lifestyle didn't feel like this. And here I am, about 14 months later still eating that way and several pounds under my initial goal weight. :) My advice - don't start a diet that involves arm wrestling your will power. You'll lose.
  • I do best with something like a small bowl of oatmeal or cereal and a cup of coffee about an hour + before. After my run, I like to eat something with protein within an hour. This works well for me, but everyone's different.
  • I can kind of relate to this. I went from 166 - 135 in 7 months. I remember thinking I'd NEVER get to 135, and then I did. After a couple months, I decided I wanted to lose again. It's been tough, but I've managed to work my way down to 131. I'd like to get closer to 125 as I'm a competitive runner and would like to be…
  • I would LOVE a half marathon time like that! My next half is in Jan, and I'm hoping to run it under 2 hours. I'd love to qualify for Boston someday. Good luck!
  • 1. 7 months as of this week! I lost over 30 pounds last year. 2. By treating my maintenance similar to my weight loss. Knowing I need to continue up the habits I used to get here - watching my diet, working out, weighing myself daily. Allowing for "life" (parties, celebrations, travel, down days), but keeping an eye…
  • Every morning here! I reached my goal weight Dec 2014 and I attribute a huge part of my success maintaining below that by a few pounds to weighing daily. In the past, when I've lost the weight, I've gained it back b/c I didn't pay attention when the scale started to creep back up. It's so much easier to address a 3 pound…
  • Current is 20%. Targeting 18%. I'm 5'6" and 131 lbs.
  • I have always enjoyed fast food & am not upset to admit it! However, a funny thing happened when I started logging my food - I realized it often just didn't make sense. I could get far more food with better macros by just cooking myself. So my eating at fast food restaurants gradually just went down. I do eat it…
  • "I am happy to say that my wife and I started a weight loss support group at our church so that we can hopefully help build that community of support locally and help others see that they too can get to where they want to be." This part made me sooo happy. Way to give back! You look like you got your life back! :) Enjoy.
  • I've had 2 c-sections. I still have a couple little pockets of fat on my stomach, but they are hardly noticeable. Lots of cardio, losing excess body fat, and lifting heavy weights has helped. For abs specifically, I like doing stuff in plank, sit ups with weights (I'll hold a plate or dumbbells). Even things like pull-ups…
  • Yes. I thought I'd be thrilled to hit 135 (I started at 166), and I was... but I realized for my chosen sport (distance running), I could do well to lose a few more. Currently 130 aiming for 125-127ish. However, my desire to get there super fast isn't really there. It took me 7 months to get to 135 and about 6 months to…
  • This is incredibly impressive and inspiring. Way to go!
  • They actually do have healthy options, if you look for them! I recall having salmon and couscous at one of the quick service places while I was there. It's not difficult to find healthy options such as salads, chicken breast, and veggies at most menus. They also have stands with fresh fruit. Plus, you can pack in your own…
  • I tihnk it's hard if you've lost weight before and then gained it back. It's hard to start over again! Like some of the others suggested, maybe don't worry for the moment about making drastic dietary changes. Think of it this way: if you lost 20 pounds before eating "clean" obviously it didn't work long-term (hence, you're…
  • Bwahahaha! Well apparently this isn't the thread for me. I'm kind of fond of you know, logic. ;)
  • Everyone's path and goals are different... and some people might not have any clearly defined goals. I honestly don't struggle with this because I'm the fittest I've ever been in my life... *and* I've found a way to incorporate all of my favorite foods. I came to the conclusion last year that I enjoy good food and want it…
  • If you have a BS in biology and took a nutrition course, why are you coming here asking questions about nutrition then?
  • I usually have a glass of wine everyday. You can still lose weight and have alcohol. (I went from 166 - 130 and am your same height.)
  • 5'6'" and met my goal of 135 lbs in Dec. Decided to lose a bit more. It's taken me 5 months to hit 130. (very slowly, and that's OK w/ me - I'm in no rush!). Looking to get closer to 125 at this point.
  • Welcome! :) You can do it! I've been maintaining for over 5 months now.
  • The very next sentence says "Log everything" though...that's what's going to prevent those 2,000 calorie meals. I actually do agree with this kind of thinking. If I'm going to book club and know I'll want to eat 1000 calories, I'll put in an extra long workout and "save" some calories by eating less earlier in the day. In…
  • Cheat meals/days do NOT work for me. Any diet I've ever had with them has failed, big time. Learning how to fit foods I enjoy into my calorie needs for the day has worked much better. I tend to reserve 100-200 calories (more on big workout days!) for treat foods. This has ultimately helped ensure my success. I am actually…
  • Holy cow, these are amazing results! And, your waist is perfection! Very nice.
  • Nice work!! I also have to agree with crazyjerseygirl - you are *really* pretty!! Congrats again!
  • Honestly, I thought I'd be more emotional than I was. I remember the day I reached my goal - Dec 2, 2014. I got on the scale and it read "135." I thought - yeah, OK. Now what? The very next day, I rec'd some devastating news about a family member and it was like - OK, back to life. In the year I've been on this journey I'd…
  • I agree with those that said they needed to weight themselves daily. I know some people may criticize this as being obsessive, but honestly, it's a quick, easy habit to get into. I also give myself permission to stay within a certain range as I know things fluctuate. I also think starting my weight loss last year how I…
  • I'm in a similar place, honestly. I feel like my weight is pretty close to where I want it, but I still have some goals for how I'd like my body to shift a bit. (I am still carrying a bit of fat around my back and stomach.) Sounds like we have had a similar journey!