heypen Member


  • I'm from Oz too, but I live in Italy, so don't know how much help that is to you. :ohwell: But if you just wanted to know that you weren't alone, well, you most definitely are not. There must be lots of us here because I've found some things entered into the database that only an Aussie would put, like Haigh's chocolates,…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a family member, and seeing the sadness in the rest of your family (your normal support system) must make it hard for you to know what to do to get through this. You've already done the right thing--instead of reaching for some food to fill up the ache in your heart you've reached out to…
  • It's under "Stationary bike" (bicycling, cycling, biking) from light effort to vigorous. Good luck!!