leahmfunk Member


  • Hi All, I'm LeahMT on BBC. (mostly a lurker, occasional commenter :o) I had my "baby" over 2 years ago, and right now I'm at the highest weight I've ever been at in my life. I weigh more now than I ever did...even more than when I was pregnant both times!!!! So so so sad to me and I'm not really sure how I let myself get…
  • I pop in from time to time also. MFP has really opened my eyes to how many calories are in the foods that I eat. I never truely realized how much I had been eating in the past.
  • This is such a motivating thread! I fell off the bandwagon a while ago, but this past weekend I hit my rock bottom. I will turn 34 this week and I weigh the heaviest I've ever been in my life. The crazy thing is my mom and sister realized the same thing this past weekend for themselves, so we are all committed to making…
  • luvsdeals- I'm totally the same way! Before MFP, I would have eaten 4-5 at a time like you said....now it would be a "treat" to have 1 for the day! It is so eye opening for me to actually count calories. I just can't believe what I used to eat before. No wonder my weight has crept up to 200+ (hightest I've ever been in my…
  • I sure wish I had that problem!! I was over my calories the last 2 days...just a busy bad weekend. We went bowling with friends and had a pizza party before hand. I ate way less pizza then I normally would have, but it still wasn't within my daily limits. Yesterday we had our last family Christmas party so tons and tons of…
  • ps- can someone tell me how to add the tracker thingy to my posts? thanks.
  • I'm haniging in there. I think I'm only on day 6, but I love entering my food. It has made me become so aware of what I'm eating. I just can't belive how bad I ate before. I did have a bad day yesterday, but those days will happen. I'm back on the wagon today and starting over. I need to figure out how to fit exercise in…
  • ooh thanks! I need motivation today and I'm thinking this will be what I need to see.
  • I'm buying as many as I can this week. I work from home 3 days a week and in the office 2 days. I find that if I don't have something quick and easy at home I snack all day long from the pantry...which is where my extra weight came from. If I have these on hand I actually feel like I'm eating a "lunch" and I don't snack as…
  • I LOVE this site! I owe a huge hug to who ever initially posted about it on BBC. I have been shocked to realize how bad I was actually eating before. I've been measuring out portions (even measuring the coffeemate in my coffee daily) and wow! to realize what I had been eating before. This site is so easy to use so it is…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm LeahMT on BBC. I'm using a horrible picture of myself from Christmas as my profile pic so I can remind myself of what I don't want to be. Some how in my mind I don't look like that... the weight just kind of crept up on me and now i'm the highest weight I've ever been. I can't even blame it on having kids…