jpreynolds89 Member


  • I've lost about 14lb overall in the last few months but to my eyes I don't really notice much of a difference. However other people have noticed and have been commenting on me looking slimmer, my trousers keep falling down and i've moved up belt holes so must be doing something right!
  • I've just joined this group (a little late!) but been slowly losing for the last month. Had a bit of a rough week having had my wisdom teeth out on Monday and struggling to exercise and eat the way I should be but managed to do a 4 mile run yesterday which felt really good! Back on track I hope!
  • I'm on Day 2 of the shred today and did it this morning. I hurt all over though from doing too much exercise yesterday (shred, 4 mile walk and aquaerobics), it was really tough but I got through it without giving up! I took a 'before' pic this morning so hopefully in 30 days time there will be a noticeable difference. I've…