30 Day Shred, your progress?

I just did my first 30 day shred yesterday and I thought I was going to die! I was wondering if anyone had any progress pics, personal stats, or an ending pic for me to get motivated off of? I'm loving it right now but I know after awhile I'm going to say F this and want to quit...because that's what I do...SO I was wanting motivation, something to look back on and say SEE you could look like this, look how awesome these people are!!!


  • popefarms
    popefarms Posts: 69
    I just finished day 5 of level 2 this morning, so I'm halfway through now...yay! So far I have only lost 1/2 lb. I gained 3 lbs in the beginning and have finally gotten them off again (so I lost 3.6 lbs this past week). As far a inches I've lost 2.25 inches total. Those inches have come off of one arm, my thighs and my underbust (rib cage). My underbust is where I've lost the most...1.5 inches. I'm hoping that I start to see more changes during the second half of the program. But I did want to loose back fat so I guess that's happening for me! Good luck to you and keep at it! I've seen lots of other people with much better results than me so I'm sure you'll get better results than I have so far lol.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
  • mfclingan
    mfclingan Posts: 158 Member
    I started the thirty day shred just this morning also. (I had done a couple days a while back). This year is marking the year that I FINISH things. So no matter what, I'm going to stand on May1 and say that the 30 day shred is COMPLETE! (February and march marked me going through the C25K program....it's a good feeling to COMPLETE it). SO the goal is to FINISH what you started! Add me....we can do it together!
  • AnnaSmith27
    (I hope this works) These are my results from the 30DS. It was really difficult for me the first few days because I was so out of shape, but by the end I felt so much stronger. I actually loved it so much that I'm going through the program a second time. I'm on day 5 of level 1 right now. Don't give up! It'll all be worth it!

    [img]http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y469/snuggggly/30 Day Shred After/032a8ef6-83c9-4bfe-9cd9-2889ad684ada_zps2fa98356.jpg[/img]
  • popefarms
    popefarms Posts: 69
    (I hope this works) These are my results from the 30DS. It was really difficult for me the first few days because I was so out of shape, but by the end I felt so much stronger. I actually loved it so much that I'm going through the program a second time. I'm on day 5 of level 1 right now. Don't give up! It'll all be worth it!

    [img]http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y469/snuggggly/30 Day Shred After/032a8ef6-83c9-4bfe-9cd9-2889ad684ada_zps2fa98356.jpg[/img]

    You look great! Keep up the awesome work and wonderful results!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Although I have no pics, I didn't think to take befores and afters, do not give up! I lost 15 lbs and 19 inches in two rounds of it! I am on Ripped in 30 now, definitely doing pictures this time!
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 194
    (I hope this works) These are my results from the 30DS. It was really difficult for me the first few days because I was so out of shape, but by the end I felt so much stronger. I actually loved it so much that I'm going through the program a second time. I'm on day 5 of level 1 right now. Don't give up! It'll all be worth it!

    [img]http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y469/snuggggly/30 Day Shred After/032a8ef6-83c9-4bfe-9cd9-2889ad684ada_zps2fa98356.jpg[/img]

    GREAT JOB!!! Thanks for posting a pic!
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I don't have any pics but there are a lot in that link above (I forgot to take a before, I guess my current pic is a "before" but I haven't taken an after, I should do that!) I love JM videos. I started with her shred video and it's the only thing I ever stuck with. Then I did her Ripped in 30 and just started her 6 week 6 pack today. I definitely feel more fit then when I started, you can do it!! :) I am totally an exercise HATER but being only 30 mins I find these manageable. Just press play and before you know it, it's over! LOL
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    (I hope this works) These are my results from the 30DS. It was really difficult for me the first few days because I was so out of shape, but by the end I felt so much stronger. I actually loved it so much that I'm going through the program a second time. I'm on day 5 of level 1 right now. Don't give up! It'll all be worth it!

    [img]http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y469/snuggggly/30 Day Shred After/032a8ef6-83c9-4bfe-9cd9-2889ad684ada_zps2fa98356.jpg[/img]

    GREAT JOB!!!!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    No pictures YET but I just finished day 5 yesterday and want let you know after day 2/3 it does get easier.
    Make sure to hold your stretches longer than Jillian does in the cool down section. You won't feel as sore.

    Good luck.
  • caranlee
    caranlee Posts: 7 Member
    day 16 for me i didn't take pics. lost 3 llbs and a little all over in inches. but i feel amazing!! full of energy. i really don't want to do it every morning but once i start i feel good. level 2 has killed me so not looking forward to level 3 next week. i also take weekends off so i probably haven't seen the results i could do.
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    I'm on day two, woke up and EVERYTHING hurt. Going to need some serious motivation to get off my achey, achey bum and do it again today!!!
  • jpreynolds89
    jpreynolds89 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on Day 2 of the shred today and did it this morning. I hurt all over though from doing too much exercise yesterday (shred, 4 mile walk and aquaerobics), it was really tough but I got through it without giving up!

    I took a 'before' pic this morning so hopefully in 30 days time there will be a noticeable difference.

    I've gotten to day 8 before and it does get easier, unfortunately I badly sprained my ankle so was off my feet for a few weeks and never picked it up again.
  • Thenewme31
    Thenewme31 Posts: 50 Member
    I just finished Level 1 Day 10. Start Level 2 tomorrow! Almost half way there! I will be doing 2 rounds of ripped in 30 when I'm done with this one too. I'll be finished April 29th and plan to take only 2 days off and start in with it again with the Ripped in 30!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I just finished it and I posted pics in the thread but for some reason can't copy/paste them here. I lost 11 lbs, 1 inch from my waist and 2.25inches from my hips. Not a huge loss but 11lbs is gone that wasn't gone a month ago! Keep it up, don't quit, it DOES get easier if you keep going!
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I'm on day 19 (today, although haven't done it yet) and have so far lost 5 lbs (haven't taken my after measurements yet).

    My advice is: take a rest day every 4 days or so, but don't take two days off in a row. Skip around if you need/want to. Modify the moves if you need to. If you are bored with doing jumping jacks, do a different cardio instead. Do your own cool down if you hate hers. And when you learn the routine, go into the options menu and turn off her voice ;)

    I've found that I am stronger, ESPECIALLY in my core and I love that feeling.

    I love that it only takes 20 minutes.
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