

  • It could be the types of foods...sugars, carbs, protein...maybe review what you are eating before or after exercise...even lack of caffeine can give you a headache...food combinations may be the key....good luck and let us know how what you find out.
  • Remember that 1200 calories is final count...after excercise. So remember to eat some extra healthy calories to compensate for your workout. I thought I would not be able to do it....I too have a "good" breakfast. It goes a long way for me. I miss breakfast I am running on empty the rest of the day.
  • In case you thought you had to skip ice cream...check out the recent report on salads... http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/29514121/ Not all salads are good for you....
  • I found a fabulous calorie count site...here is the info on the turkish pizza... http://caloriecount.about.com/turkish-pizza-lahmacun-recipe-r42524. Your desert info I got from allrecipes.com... Pie - Nutritional Analysis: One piece equals 241 calories, 6 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 0 cholesterol, 129 mg sodium, 45 g…
  • First of all, it is my sincere hope that you meet your goals in life...in all aspects of it. I guess the first thing I would suggest is have your doctor check..EVERYTHING...I was just diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism which is not easily detected in a standard thyroid exam. I am 44 years old and have been examined…
  • I have noticed that if I eat too late in the evening and fall asleep while I am "full" (not digested) I wake up hungry! Odd but true. So, my self-imposed rule...do not eat a full meal after 8pm and drink a full glass of cold water before bed. It helps... BTW...if you really need to snack while watching TV...try sunflower…