

  • This is my first mini challenge I did 200!
  • Nice, I'm a total believer that cutting out soda really helps. I used to be do addicted to cola, is drink it twice a day and at least three glasses at restaurants. I'm generally a really thirsty person and realizing that a can is 140 (or something) calories of no nutritional value was scary. I feel a lot better since I've…
    in Hey! Comment by FriedaFitness July 2012
  • Hi, my name is Allison, I'm 18 years old and I've been doing this alone and kind of as a secret this whole time, but now I kind of crave a community. Last autumn, I started to notice that my jeans were getting tighter and my vests had stretch folds going across. I used to play tennis and when I quit in order to do a play,…
  • I'm so glad I'm not alone! I had an original goal of 135 and now I'm 127, but I still freak out every time I go over my suggested daily caloric intake...I mean, I certainly don't condone eating disorders, but I think I understand how it could get to that point. I'm just terrified of gaining it all back and I always seem to…