alericmckearn Member


  • Ok, ladies. I need some advice. I've been lurking on this board since about July when I started NROL4W. At the beginning of December, after only 2 workouts into stage 6, I pulled my pec-minor. The pain went from my shoulder blade, under my armpit, and underneath my breast. Needless to say, no lifting for me for a bit.…
  • Look up diverticulitis. And remember, you know your body better than anyone else. If you feel something is seriously wrong, go back to any ER and don't take no for an answer. Good luck.
  • You need to talk to your dr again. That's not normal, nor ok. It's such a miserable feeling. I'm on maxide for water retention and I only take a quarter of a pill daily. If your PCP won't listen, talk to your OBGYN. Good luck to you.
  • IMO, don't get a cheap heart rate monitor, you'll just be wasting your money. I had a polar for years and before I replaced the heart rate band, I bought a cheapy just to get by. Withn a week I returned it. Apparently while I was driving to the gym, my heart rate was well over 200? Um, no. Get a polar if you're planning on…
  • Netflix also has a Pilates video called "pick your level weight loss Pilates". It has 3 different levels shown at the same time, that way you can grow with the video. Good luck!
  • It's Soup Tuesday, so we're having creamy potato leek soup with homemade French rolls.