

  • Hey All :) Between Monday and today Ive done 7.3 miles :) weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • Im in for 40 miles please! Can't run due to damaged and weak ankles, but I will be walking and stepping on the Wii :) weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • Hey! SW:216lb CW 214lb GW 150lb Height: 5'6.5" Age: 31 Sex: Female :)
  • I just did 20 min class on the Wii Zumba game, having never been to a class. Im knackard! lol It was fun, but I did feel like it worked alot on my lower body but not much on the upper body. Also I did notice there was no time for stretching at the beginning, so Ill be doing that before I do another one! It was fun, I did…
  • Hey! I have PCOS too, got diagnosed when I was 17 and im 31 now, been struggling to loose weight for years! I also have diabetes so that doesn't help! I will be starting my journey for a baby this year so trying to loose as much weight as possible, minimum being 2 stone before the fertility clinic will even accept me. Just…