dizzymomma Member


  • I really wish I could fit in something during lunch at work, but I generally have 20-25 minutes for lunch & pumping (I teach). Maybe once the school year gets under way, I'll be able to find a groove and a time to work out. I was really hoping to establish that habit before school starts, but it isn't going to happen!
  • I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in this! I had my annual exam today and was concerned my marathon-running-ob/gyn would remark about my weight (I'm 10 lbs. UP from post-partum appt. yikes) but instead he empathized and said he knows it's hard for mommas to find the time to exercise, so I feel a bit better that it's not…
  • I completely agree with you! I have a lot less hormones going in now than I did a few months ago. Interesting isn't it that LESS processed food costs way more than food processed with a lot of added junk? I mean - isn't it more work to add all that crap, so why is it so cheap? Dumb... but I breeze right past the $6 bag of…
  • I realize the last post on here was 6 months ago, but I have to share my success with changing my diet. I can't say that I've officially been diagnosed with endo, but my doctor highly suspects that's what I have and wanted to see if we could use BC to control my symptoms before doing any surgery. I got tired of taking the…
  • All of my pants, shorts & capris can be taken off without unbuttoning or unzipping!! (I teach & therefore refuse to buy new pants so close to the end of the school year). I may have to invest in a belt for the first time in I don't know how many years!
  • This helps - thank you!!
  • So did you immediately up your calories or work up to it?
  • I have my TDEE (2588) , my 15% cut (about 2200) & my BMR (1675) - my big question (concern) is do I now immediately jump from eating 1600 calories to 2200??? Of course my fear is that I will gain 10 pounds (or more) immediately, get frustrated and quit altogether. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  • I have been buying Weight Watchers string cheese - it's only 50 calories a stick, but it has a really good taste!
  • I was about to post nearly the exact same thing! My stats are a little different & I have only been plateaued about 2 weeks, but frustrating none-the-less. Thanks for asking all my questions!!