

  • Unless you have diabetes or a glucose intolerance, going over your allotted sugar intake for the day due to fruits is not a bad thing. I would definitely focus in on the grams of carbs you are taking in on a daily basis, as this is a much more useful tool than looking at sugars alone.
  • Most patients who start out on metformin complain of gastrointestinal side effects during the first 2-4 weeks, usually subsiding after that. I've seen patients however that never have their GI symptoms resolve. Doctors will most often start at a 500mg dose once to twice a day, and then eventually increase to 1000mg twice a…
  • When reading the nutrition label, I would not even look at the amount of sugar. What I tell my diabetes patients is to ignore the sugar content and just focus on the amount of carbohydrates per serving. An acceptable snack for a person with diabetes is 15g-25g of carbs. So the sugar level doesn't necessarily have to be…
  • A lot of times I do a 20min workout, which by the end I am DRIPPING in sweat. OP = FAIL.