

  • Try a spoon of peanut butter after meals. It ups healthy fats and keeps your intestines lubed up so things pass easier. I also take fiber capsules that I get at Wal-Mart. Psyllium husk fiber works really well, is great soluble fiber, and helps to keep things regular.
  • I use the Danskin video with Gin Miller with a 5 lb weight, not really extreme. I have read a person can burn 10 to 12 to 20 kcals per minute. That would mean that my workout should be burning like 500 -700 calories, but I am guessing that it's not that high. I logged 50 mins of strength training for 219 cals. When I get…
  • My husband has had two flare ups of Diverticulitis. He cut out caffeine completely and has NOT had to change his diet otherwise. No issues since he stopped all caffeine. Watching him suffer with the pain was very hard. Sorry you've had those issues as well. Good luck to you!