

  • I'm looking to lose at least 30 by July. I'm actually looking to lose more but I will take what I can lose. Will power is the hardest but with encouragement and ideas we can all do it! Feel free to add me!!
  • I'm in. I started the shred today and let me tell you i'm out of shape. I worked muscles i didn't know i had. i'm just afraid that I am going to be so sore tomorrow that I'm not going to be able to do it again. I did have to stop a few times during it but I got right back in and kept working out. Def need to lose something…
  • I'm trying to follow what you guys are talking about and I'm totally lost. I'm interested in doing this program also because from everything everyone has wrote, it works well. I'm doing ok with the cutting back on things but I really need to up the exercise and get myself more energy. I'm extremely tired anymore so I need…
  • I usually weigh in on Friday mornings because that is when we all decided at work to weigh in. I usually weight myself every morning right as i get up after going to the bathroom and naked. I then weigh myself after the shower just to see how much i gained from the shower in case i ever forget and in a rush i can also do…
  • Feel free to add me also. I've been at this for a few weeks now and i get stuck every now and then and fall off but i get right back up and continue with it the right way. i need someone just to talk to sometimes or understand what I'm going through. It's kinda hard to talk to my husband about it when he's not going…