

  • How are you feeling now? How was surgery?
  • Hi Allison! Glad you had a nice Christmas season :) you said you got a pre op package...when is surgery?
  • I was and still am a very picky eater. The only meat that I eat is chicken and turkey. So I just find lots of ways to cook that (I only bake or slow cook it....no frying or breading). I also eat a lot of cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt. You can find options that work for you and that you like to eat.
  • Congrats on your upcoming life change :) Everyone is different, we all gain and we all lose at different rates. Just follow your surgeons plan and everything will fall into place. I am just shy of 8 weeks post op and I am down 46 pounds, 16 of those being in my pre-op. Good luck with everything!
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