marcee13 Member


  • I just started today too! Although, I have been on and off with the 30DS lol... I found it does get easier tho! so just keep pushing and the biggest thing is just not to quit. even if you can't do it, work harder on the exercises you can. Eventually you'll be bale to last th ewhole time no problem
  • I started on Saturday. I use 3 and 5 lb weights too! Some exercises I would easily do the 5 but others had to use a 3! My first 3 days I was pretty sore. Now on day 4, I'm feelin pretty good!
  • I just started yesterday. I am on D2L1. It's sooo hard! My legs are burning. I hope if I keep it up and eat a little healthier and add in some cardio that it'll just melt off!
  • I am on day 2 level 1. It's soo hard!! I always want to give up in the first 10 minutes of the workout. I haven't done my measurements or pictures yet but I will soon as I am hoping to get similar results as many of the other people have posted about! I think I will maybe take one day off a week and add in some cardio and…