

  • Hi! It happens to i guess most of people that go to college (and it happened to me!). My advice? try to cook your own food instead of buying it from the cafeteria, and (even if you already excercise), try to walk everywhere, instead of using the car/bus.
  • Hi! Don't worry, as soon as you start losing weight, you'll find more motivation! i.e: you'll find it easier to find clothes, you'll get positive comments from friends and others, you'll have more energy... And the other good thing is that some of the cravings for food that you currently experience will go away or at least…
  • Hi and welcome! One thing that has worked for me is using smaller plates and glasses for food, especially for stuff that's high in calories. For example, i only drink unsweteened iced tea or water in a large glass, but i love orange juice. Since it is so sugary, i don't drink a regular glass a day. I just use a small…
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