hristossida Member


  • If you're looking to shed some weight, simple. Calories in < calories out. You eat less than what your body consumes essentially. Continue zumba it'll burn more calories. Just watch what you eat and stay under your Calorie maintenance.
  • Firstly, don't warm up BEFORE a weight session, warm up AFTER. If you must warm up do a ACTIVE warm up. Whats that you say? Its warming up your body and getting the blood flowing by actively working up to your working set. Example, my working bench set is 80kilos, so I would do 50kilos, 60kilos, 70kilos, all one set each,…
  • Personally the stuff a PT could teach you can learn it off YouTube. Usually a waste of money and they teach you some useless exercises. Stay away IMO!
  • BMI is a load of crap. Go do a body fat calculator, its much more accurate.
  • Whey - instant acting protein Creatine - slow digesting protein Either way you can get the same benefits out of one protein shake from say a can of tuna.