diorr246 Member


  • I would think that if she genuinely thought you had bulimia she would have talked to you and tried to help you, not ignore it for years and then be cruel about it when you net saw her. My guess is that she's working her own stuff out and trying to fix things in her life and perhaps she taking that bitterness out on those…
  • I like it too because it's an easy guide line for eating healthier. Usually if I'm on the fence about whether something is healthy or not I just ask, "Would a caveman eat it?" and I get the answer pretty quickly :)
  • I've been on it since December and while every once in a while I cheat but overall I've noticed a difference. I don't get those "I"m hungry for something but I don't know what" cravings any more and now that I haven't had bread or pasta for 2 months I don't even really want it anymore, and I used to live off pasta! It just…
  • I'm 21 and after many false starts to getting fit I'm finally in a position to take charge and finally get myself healthy again! Feel free to add me, I'm looking for friends to help motivate me!