

  • Hello I am 23 years old and I am also trying to loose a few lbs. I have 2 little boys ages 1 and 4 also do you find it had to workout or trying to find time to do it with littles ones around.....Could you give me some tips thanks
  • Hi, I am also a mom with 2 little one both boys ages 1 and 4......And I am also trying to loose weight feel free to add me:smile: Im going to add you good luck with this
  • Hi I see you lost weight I give you a big heads up to this. I am new to this and I wanted to no does it actually work? Can you give me some tips and advice
  • Hi I just started on here and I seriously need to loose a few pounds also I dont no if it work but I think it will. So when did you started on here? I wanted to loose for me and my kids so I can be active with them this summer