just started on here again

I lost weight with the hcg diet but I can't do it again. It is too hard of a diet. I did it for 12 days and I just quit so Im on here trying to do it this way. I do like to exercise and I stopped for the last week because of that diet made me too tired and weak. I need to lose 50 pounds, my first goal is 30 because that will bring my bmi out of the obese catagory....let me know how this has worked for you so I can get some encouragement please.... thanks


  • rkeffer
    rkeffer Posts: 30 Member
    I started here in December of 2011. I kept track of what I was eating and then Christmas came. I put on what I lost in that time and then I got right back in the groove on January 2. Low and behold I have lost the weight I have put on at Christmas and am looking forward to losing the rest of the weight this year. I want to be a success in 2012. I have about 65 pounds to lose and with encouragement and support I know that I can do it. I do not want to try any 'diets' because I want to be able to eat what everyone else is and I want to learn to control the portions that I eat and that way food will not be my 'god' . I have been working out at the gym 4 days a week since January 2 and have also joined a zumba class and a strength training class. I need to get this under control and I know this is the place to do that:happy:
  • kghgn0
    kghgn0 Posts: 11 Member
    I just started here on this website however I have been working on my weight since June 2011 when I turned 50 years old and decided it was time to get back in shape. I have lost a total of 28 lbs and have 5 lbs to go to reach my goal. I do Zumba 4 times a week and weight training/abd workout twice a week. I also run on the treadmill at least one day on the weekend. Stay focus and I agree with rkeffer as I do not limit what food I eat but the amount that I eat. I have found as the time passes you make more healthy choices on your own and do not have the cravings like you do if you restrict certain foods. Good luck and hang in there! I found at about 3-4 weeks into my new routine things got a lot easier and I actually look forward to my Zumba classes and workouts.
  • Hi I just started on here and I seriously need to loose a few pounds also I dont no if it work but I think it will. So when did you started on here? I wanted to loose for me and my kids so I can be active with them this summer
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    I too found this site when I was looking up calories on line.
    Santa gave me a treadmil and I was so excited because I have to lose weight per drs. orders.
    This web site is cool. There is allot of supportive people out there and you can get lots of questions answered just by reading the posts. Besides the fact that you can also log what you eat every day.
    Good luck on your mission. :happy: