

  • I'm struggling with some of that right now. I had a falling out with a big group of girlfriends from high school and now I have a very limited group of friends. The best advice I can give is to find people who bring out the best in you. I didn't like the person I became with my high school friends. I was immature, selfish,…
  • I've always been afraid to try diets, since I have heard so much about how women who are on them tend to bounce back when they stop. When I was in high school, it didn't matter because I was in the pool 2-4 hours every day and I could eat what I wanted. As soon as I graduated, though, I kept up with those eating habits…
  • My name is Brittany and I'm in my 6th year of college at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. I've earned a math degree, will soon complete an accounting degree, and then I will continue on to grad school. I miss my swimming days in high school, when I knew I could walk into any store and find clothes that fit great on me.…
  • I'm a college student as well (have been forever, it seems). Looking to lose about 30 pounds to get back to my swimming weight, which is where I was when I graduated high school. Hopefully MFP will really give me the jumpstart I need!
  • The most remarkable thing about these two pictures is the major jump in confidence you've made. Great job!
  • The greatest thing about these two pictures is how confident you look now compared to when you started. It's a remarkable difference. Great job! (whoops, forgot to post the pictures, see next post)
  • So far I've only been to one Zumba class, but I went without ever trying it before and knowing that I am a very clumsy person. I even missed the basic instructions at the beginning, but it's not hard at all to catch on. There will always be someone equally or even more uncoordinated than you. Plus it's more rewarding when…