SpecialKH Member


  • I'm thinking this is something one would make for quick and easy lunches, maybe microwaving the water and pouring over. Although a standard jar/screw lid would work just fine and be easier to clean. No, I wouldn't eat it. I simply don't care much for soups and I avoid white pasta.
  • It's a very individual thing. I'm a big fan of Body Media and probably will get the Jawbone 3Up soon. These both measure more variables than other fitness trackers for a more accurate calorie burn estimation. I've worn mine religiously and it seems to be pretty accurate based on weight loss. Personally I burn 2000 a day on…
  • Muscle is beautiful. Don't fight it! You earned it; you worked for it. It gives you speed and strength. If you haven't gained fat and you aren't squatting with heavy weights like a body builder, love those strong thighs! My daughter did gymnastics for YEARS and while all of the girls had super skinny, wasted-away pencil…
  • Oh, and how much energy I have, even compared to thinner people who don't exercise much. They are tired all of the time. Maybe it's their diet, maybe it's lack of exercise, but I get 7-8 hours per night and feel good all day now.
  • That skin doesn't shrink up in your 40s like it did in the 20s (then again in my 20s I would only need to occasionally get 20 pounds in check vs. the 80 I started with/down 50. Bending over gets so much easier when stomach fat isn't in the way! Toenails, shoe laces/buckles... so much easier! That some people, even those…
  • I have a friend who suffers - she actually finally tried meditation on the advice of her doctor. Hers was aggravated by stress. The doctor suggested what cblue315 said - limit processed foods and high fat foods tho she still uses cream in coffee. She does well with sourdough from a quality bakery (is fermentation used…
  • Yup. I've found that true looking at the daily bar charts from my body media uploads. I can see how many calories I burn minute by minute. I learned that my period affects how I feel during a workout (but not my calories burned) and my hydration level REALLY makes me feel exhausted like I've worked super hard even when I…
  • I have a body media fit and I LOVE IT. I syncs with MFP and Map My Run. The battery lasted about 3 days for the first few weeks because I was so curious, always linking the bluetooth and uploading the data. Now I do it once or twice a day and a charge lasts over a week. I like that it estimates calorie burn not based on…
  • Wow OK so I don't need to worry about the 20 minutes. I haven't checked back here (weather yucky) but I ran on the treadmill last night and was focusing on distance - previously 1.12 was the farthest before I needed a break. I got to 1.2 and was in a good stride so I kept going. at 1.39 I could envision what a tenth of a…
  • I put 5 smallish chicken breasts in the crock pot along with 1 cup of brown rice, 2 cups of water, a Swanson chicken savory flavor packet and top it with a bag of broccoli slaw and let it cook for several hours on low. The chicken falls apart and I just mix it all together for a chicken/rice/veggie dish.
  • I was thinking body dysmorphia. It can be hard to cross the bridge between perception and reality. And then there is acceptance. I did notice that you mentioned running, pull ups, push ups... but nothing about crunches. Of course all of the muscle in the world won't make a difference to the amount of fat on top of the…
  • The brand is up to you, but how I use it: I like vanilla because it is easier to mix in with other things I like. I blend it with ice and day old leftover coffee for a iced coffee drink (sometimes I add sweetener or more vanilla or even sugar free nestle quick for a mocha flavor), I blend it with orange crystal light,…
  • We all lose muscle mass as we get older. So if you aren't doing anything to maintain muscle, you WILL lose muscle. Exercise isn't just about your weight. It's about heart health, bone health and quality of life, especially as you get older. Lack of sleep also causes the body to work more inefficiently. Studies show people…
  • I assume you are being treated by a doctor/psychologist for the anorexia. Are they also not including a nutritional coach? You starved your body. It now only knows to conserve and store in the form of fat because your track record has told your body it needs to pack on some fat under the assumption you'll starve it again.…
  • If I know in advance which restaurant we are going to, I see if the meals and calories are listed online and make up my mind what I will order in advance. As a general rule, stay away from anything fried, anything in a creamy sauce and anything heavy in starch. Feel free to ask to substitute a sweet potato or a baked…
  • Body Media. They don't advertise like the Fitbits, etc. But I wanted the same thing - what do I burn, not what is the average. All of the other devices only use accelerometers coupled with complex formulas based on averages. Body Media is the only one that also measures skin temp/sweat. When you exercise you pump lots more…
  • I'm overweight (55 down though!) and I see people who are heavier than me running outside. I try to make brief eye contact and smile at everyone. I see old, young, trim, heavy, male, female... More trim than not but mostly I see people trying to stay/get healthy, but not already a hard body. And I agree on shoes from a…
  • Sorry if it's buried in the 7 pages, but what about treadmill while you study? You can read and walk at the same time. There is ALWAYS a away to fit it in. I'm a single parent with a full time job and a kid. Even when she was too young to leave at home alone, I could STILL make it to the gym while she was in gymnastics and…
  • Thanks Sue & McRun - I do want to run a 5K - actually I just want to be ABLE to run 5K. The trail I run has lots of different loops and options so I can form longer or shorter runs, but I tend to stick with 5K. It's a combination of bucket list, frustration at NOT running the October 5K plus committing to the gal who did…
  • Advice on making some progress.... 46 y/o woman, overweight and not very fit but healthy until my BP started going up a year ago so starting in March this year I made a concerted effort to get in the best shape of my life. I've been skinnier and I've been fitter but I've never been both. By August I could go for 3 "miles"…
  • That is fabulous! I think you can do it on your own! Save that $$ for some skin reduction later! :D Granted I only needed to loose about 90 and wasn't quite big enough for bariatric sleeve surgery but I checked into it and saw the cost and thought to myself "If someone offered to pay me that much to LOSE the weight, I bet…
  • Odds are because you burn a lot of calories, your deficit was so large you were putting your body into calorie conservation mode. Often called "starvation mode" our bodies DO conserve calories when your net caloric consumption is below your basic metabolic rate. Maybe due to your highly active lifestyle or could be…
  • Hm. At 148 you'd have to have a pretty dainty frame if you only have 93 pounds of lean mass and 5'8". I'm 5'6" and my lean mass is 103 - well, 105 now - it took me 5 months to gain 2 pounds of muscle while loosing fat. At 135 at 23% your lean mass is now 104 meaning you gained 11 pounds of muscle. That doesn't seem…
  • Although I have a slim and fit daughter around, I only keep treats that she likes. She loves ice cream; I'm more of a muncher so I avoid having cookies around. Personally I have found it's better to not have it around or I will be tempted to grab it out of convenience. Now I can tolerate being around it better than before.…
  • I take the photos, too. I took a "before" in leggings and a camisole, so pretty fitted. Then once a month around the same time I put on the same thing for another photo. Front and side and document the weight. Now I just feel ashamed I ever was the "before" photo. Too many years of not sticking with it - I'm never going to…
  • Oh, and I started with 3 sets of 10 reps - my trainer had me switch to 4 sets of 8. Last set should be to muscle failure - you should barely be able to finish or maybe not quite finish.
  • I have also been trying to loose fat but don't want to loose muscle and in fact, have gained muscle on a deficit. I've been on a physician supervised plan and been working with an on-line personal trainer to guide my workouts and had a body fat analysis done at the beginning, at 4 months and I'll have another in a couple…
  • I'm sorry you are getting negative feedback from your family. Everyone should complete withhold comments on weight and think "HEALTHY". Shame on them. Do you exercise at all? I imagine you have very little muscles because your body burned all of it's fat stores and had to consume muscle. Find some proteins that you really…
  • Sorry - you are going to have to loose more weight. As others pointed out, you can't dictate where your body stores or releases fat from. If you still have visible fat to loose, I don't know why you don't want to loose more weight. You won't end up with wasted-away stick legs and a normal stomach - your body will burn the…
  • So glad to read everyone's reply - I had gotten up to "3 miles" on the elliptical in 30 minutes - I thought wow, I'm gonna run a 5K! So I signed up and a friend told me I might want to try actually running. O. M. G. What a difference. I couldn't go a quarter of a mile before I had to walk and catch my breath! I was so…