Need the ability to save posts or pin them cause this is good stuff.
Say it again cause it can't be said enough. :~)
I'd suggest eating doubling the # of times you eat and then look to adjusting what you eat when you do I. I eat what I consider 3 meals a day and then 3 snacks but the caloric value of each is about the same. Below is an example with tasty foods as well as eating outside the home. I'm usually not starving but don't realize…
As someone said, doesn't matter what time you weight yourself as long as you are consistent. I prefer to weight myself first thing in the morning right after I use the bathroom. I want what i consider my 'pure weight' without water/food as an addition,
Direct answer to the question is yes. HIIT is a great way to help you lose fat and decrease the amount of muscle you lose. However, when I hit a plateau the first thing I did was check my diet and low and behold...small tweak and I was back at it again. Using HIIT and vigorous walking/running.